New 1.2 million project in Greece and Bulgaria in Social Care and Welfare Development awarded by the European Territorial Programme INTERREG to Consortium led by European Profiles

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European Profiles has been awarded as the Consortium Leader a new project in Greece and Bulgaria entitled "Accessibility for All (Α.4.ALL)". The project has an overall budget of € 1.257.850 and is funded by the European Territorial Programme Bulgaria - Greece 2007-2013 (INTERREG). It is expected to finish in February 2013 and the beneficiary is the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities (E.S.A.E.A.)

The main objective of the project is to promote "Accessibility" in the public sector and particularly to local and regional authorities. The term "Accessibility" means the characteristic of an environment that allows all citizens without discrimination based on sex, age and other characteristics (physique, strength, perception, etc.) the safe and independent use and access of facilities offered, services (conventional and electronic) and property. Accessibility is closely related to people with disabilities as it affects their daily lives.

The project aims at providing an integrated approach to promote the Principle of "Accessibility" in public administration in the cross border area Greece - Bulgaria.

Beneficiaries of the project is primarily people with disabilities in the border area of the program and then the government and regional authorities in adopting policies to promote Accessibility and improve the lives of people with disabilities.

The Consortium for the implementation of this project is led by European Profiles and is also formed by TeamWork Communication and European Development.