Applied Research and Information Technology Applications

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In today's economic environment Applied Research and Information Technology are driving factors that provide the competitive tools to all kinds of organisations and are essential in their quest for survival and growth. By early understanding and capitalising on these trends European Profiles has been actively involved during the last 15 years in a number of  related projects across a wide variety of disciplines and domains.

Our main objective in this area is to bridge the gap between information technology applications and managerial requirements and to lead to an efficient and effective alignment of all organisational processes towards the achievement of common goals.


With a dedicated IT department consisting of highly skilled permanent and contract staff, we have developed over the years a portfolio of related applications which cover: (a) pure Applied Research, with projects financed by the EU Framework Programmes such as ML-IMAGES (IT system for retrieval of digitised images, stored in geographically distributed databases) and WEIGHT-INFO (IT platform accessible through Internet and hand-held devices, providing personalised guidance for monitoring weight and nutritional suggestions), or (b) several IT applications like: a web based interactive environment supporting Local Governments in Greece for policy development, e-learning solutions, for a variety of subjects and various beneficiaries (the Hellenic Centre of Gender Equality, for the communication of knowledge on matters of gender equality;  five leading Ukrainian Universities on EU legislation, etc.).


Our technical expertise on the design and provision of IT solutions is further strengthened by the fact that many of our management consulting projects are supplement by related IT systems built in-house, that have as objective the support of new processes put in place for our client in context of each project. We developed a large number of applications among which we mention as examples a criminal cases tracking and reporting facility for the Prosecutors Offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, an on-line consumer complaints data base for the National Authority of Consumer Protection in Romania.


With this experience we are in a position to utilise and develop targeted methodological and technological tools and to provide  innovative, practical, effective and efficient IT solutions to our clients.