Programming and Project Monitoring & Evaluation

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Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation of Technical Assistance Programmes

Channelling of Technical Assistance aid is based on partnership strategies between donors with developing countries, while a decisive factor towards achievement of lasting impact of the operational technical assistance Programmes is their efficient planning, monitoring and evaluation. European Profiles has been actively involved in this process for over ten years, drawing an in-depth understanding of the strategic and operational requirements that lead to their successful implementation.

For the Planning operational programmes we begin by carrying out an in-depth analysis of the situation at national and sectoral level in order to identify problems, constraints and opportunities that could be addressed by international donor assistance, and we support donors and national governments to develop strategies and draft strategy and planning documents.

For monitoring we develop methodologies and appropriate system of impact, results, and outputs indicators, and we assist to donor organisations and implementing authorities to closely monitor operational aspects of each Programme, and identify and assess issues that need to be considered during execution for improving the Programmes quality and performance..

When it comes to evaluation our basic approach is to render account on the results and impacts of activities financed by donors' funds and to draw lessons from what has worked and what has not. We address this matter by appropriate ex ante, ongoing and ex post programme evaluation methodologies and appraisal techniques, covering critical aspects of evaluation needs that can be encountered in each Programme.

Over the years we have fine-tuned and enriched our planning, monitoring and evaluation methodologies, by carrying out several important assignments in Greece and other EU Member States, Kyrgyzstan, Santa Lucia, Vietnam, Ukraine and Zambia.

Our accumulative experience in this field serve as a yardstick and insurance for the overall quality of the projects we put in action.