European Profiles SA, continuing a long successful track record in implementing large technical assistance projects abroad - in more than 50 countries during the last decade – has recently won a new contract in Ukraine funded by the European Commission in the field of promoting trade between Ukraine and the European Union. The title of this new 5 Million Euro project is “Complementary measures to the sector policy support programme "Promoting mutual trade by removing technical barriers to trade between Ukraine and the European Union"” and its duration is two and a half years, starting from June 2011.
It is worthwhile mentioning that the key to this success is also the fact that European Profiles has led a very strong Consortium of competent partners (IBF, ATC, VKI and Baines Babic), thus managing to overcome six competing consortia set up by some of the largest consulting companies and organizations from eleven different countries of the European Union.
The project objective is to modernize and strengthen the structures and regulatory framework for quality and safety of Ukraine (standardization, certification and accreditation) according to the standards of the European Union. The aim of this project is to create the conditions for eliminating technical barriers to trade between Ukraine and the European Union, laying the foundations for creating a free trade area between the two sides.
European Profiles has also been the leading Company of the Consortium which implemented with great success the previous phase of this project (EUR 3.5 million), and therefore its effectiveness in achieving the objectives set has undoubtedly contributed to the success of the new contract.
European Profiles has demonstrated a successful track record in implementing technical assistance projects in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union with funded by the European Union and the World Bank. Its active presence in this field ranks European Profiles among the 10 top companies internationally in implementing projects funded by the European Commission (Top 10 EuropeAid Contractors).