European Profiles S.A. untertakes the new COSME Project for sustainable tourism in Europe
European Profiles S.A. has been awarded the WB project in Azerbaijan “Development of skills building materials & trainings for use of the e-applications (e-Court,e-Enforcement)”, within the framework of “Judicial Services and Smart Infrastructure Project"
European Profiles S.A. undertakes new project "Specialized Technical and Operational Support Services for the Actions of the Ministry of Education and Religious affairs in the Fund for Recovery and Sustainability".
EUROPEAN PROFILES S.A. undertakes the new project “TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE SUB-PROJECTS: Sub-project 1: Design and implementation of multi-level governance in the Public Sector, Sub-project 2: Creation of a tool for the strategic planning of human resources in terms of artificial intelligence
EUROPEAN PROFILES S.A. undertakes the new project “Provision of services for the implementation of deliverables 4.3.1 & 4.3.2” under the project entitled "Alternative Tourism"
European Profiles has been awarded as a leader of consortium the implementation of the project "Capacity building to the Mongolian vegetable tanned yak leather cluster on bio-leather and bio-leather products"
European Profiles has been awarded as Partner of the Consortium a contract for the implementation of the project “Supporting fishing waste reduction and marine systems preservation in European islands and coastal areas"
Following successes in Georgia and Azerbaijan, EUROPEAN PROFILES now expands its presence in Mozambique
European Profiles S.A. - Further Expansion in Caucasus
European Profiles has been awarded a new contract in Greece entitled “European Social Charter Monitoring Mechanism”