European Profiles has been awarded as a sub-contractor of consortium-member a new project in Paraguay

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European Profiles has been awarded as a sub-contractor of consortium-member a new project in Paraguay entitled “Mejorando la Calidad Educativa a Traves del Diseno de la Nueva Formación Docente Inicial y la Elaboracion del Nuevo Plan Maestro Para la Formacion y Practica Pedagogica en Aula en Paraguay” (“Improving the Educational Quality through the Design of the New Initial Teacher Training and the Preparation of the New Master for the Training and Pedagogical Practice in Classroom in Paraguay” (FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT4: Human Development and Safety Net).

fThe main objective of this project is to improve quality of education through the development of the "Initial Teacher Training" new curriculum and the new Master Plan. These initiatives are aimed at transforming teacher training and pedagogical practice and thereby contributing to achieving good quality of the educational processes and results of preschool, first and second cycle through standardized class plans for languages, mathematics, natural and social sciences which include activities to develop life and ICT skills.

The project will run for six (6) months until February 2020, and the budget is 831.550 euros.