European Profiles has contracted with the Spanish leather goods manufacturer “PIELNOBLE SA” for the provision of technical and consultancy assistance in expansion of the company’s activities in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

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EUROPEAN PROFILES S.A. has the “know-how”, the resources and the necessary local contacts to provide such assistance and has organized the work as following:

(a) Drafting of “Local Market Studies” –for each country under consideration, with the scope to examine thoroughly the target markets and to propose respective actions for entering each market,

(b) Providing of consultancy services and assistance to PIELNOBLE S.A., for entering the target markets.

The project consists in the implementation of the following thematic units:

Unit 1: Drafting of “Local Market Studies”, for the each country under consideration (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan).

Main task of this section is the identification of markets’ potential and markets’ opportunities.

The following issues will be thoroughly examined:

A. Sectoral – market analysis 

B. Legal framework and legislation

C. Search for local partners / associates

D. Market development action plan

Unit 2: Technical Assistance in entering the target markets (introducing PIELNOBLE S.A. to the markets of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan).

Some of the main services to be offered during this phase include:

  • Assistance in establishing the presence of the company in the respective countries;
  • Negotiations with the pre-selected potential local partners / associates from the short list (identified during the previous phase) and final selection of the local partners.
  • Technical assistance and lobbying for the licensing of the product;
  • Assistance in accomplishment of selling agreements;
  • Monitoring all commercial agreements;
  • Assessment of training needs of the local partner staff;
  • Technical assistance in “know – how” transfer to the local partners / associates;
  • On site provision of administrative and secretarial services (interpretations, secretarial support, other logistics) at the initial stage of co-operation.