European Profiles has been awarded as a Leader of the Consortium, a World Bank funded contract in Azerbaijan

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European Profiles has been awarded as a Leader of the Consortium, a World Bank funded contract in Azerbaijan entitled “Overcoming Gender Barriers in Justice Professions: (i) development of a Justice Sector Gender Strategy and Action Plan publicly available on the MoJ website; (ii) conducting consultations/seminars/workshops with relevant stakeholders; (iii) recommendations for public dissemination after finalization of the Justice Sector Gender Strategy and Action Plan”, in the framework of the Judicial Services and Smart Infrastructure Project.

The project has a budget of $ 235.973 and a duration of 8 months. The overall objective of this project is to develop a Justice Sector Gender Strategy and Action Plan based on international best practice which will be publicly available on the website of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), in addition to stakeholder consultations during preparation and public dissemination after completion”.

The strategy and identified actions will strengthen the MoJ’s and other relevant stakeholders’ capacities to (a) overcome gender barriers within the justice profession and (b) to address gender issues in society through targeted actions.