European Profiles has been awarded a contract in Greece entitled ‘Private Company-Intelligence Due Diligence.’

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European Profiles has been awarded a funded by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) contract in Greece entitled “Private Company-Intelligence Due Diligence”.
The project has a budget of 30.000 and duration of 2 months. The project’s objective is to assess the private company and its relationship with the Greek authorities in order to identify any potential causes for concern or embarrassment for the EBRD, inter alia arising from its host country relationship managers links to associations, business practices, etc.

The 3 main components are as follows:
Component 1: Review any information already available at the EBRD and any other information that is possible to obtain from public sources
Component 2: Conduct database research of relevant databases, and information available from public Sources and relevant electronic databases holding global information derived from corporate filings, litigation records and other relevant material
Component 3: Conduct enquiries with confidential sources in business, government, regulatory, and other areas, who are knowledgeable about the Company, its management, shareholders and their commercial interests.